Minimize your mess with Honda All Season Floor Mats

January 13th, 2016 by

Helloooooo, snow. Now that you’re here, you’re making a mess of our cars. Honda’s All Season Floor Mats to the rescue! With a functional and attractive design, All Season Floor Mats help you contain snow and slush all winter long. Even better? All Season Floor Mats are easy to clean. Vacuum up loose dirt and…

Frozen car door locks? A few tricks that may help you in a pinch

January 11th, 2016 by

Some say prevention is the best medicine — and in the case of frozen door locks, we’d have to agree! One of the simplest ways to avoid this pesky problem is to spray a little WD-40 or graphite-based lubricant on your locks early in the winter driving season. If an especially frigid forecast is in…

New Year’s Resolutions for every Honda owner

January 6th, 2016 by

It’s a new year, which means a lot of us are trying to pinpoint a few simple ways to improve our lives. As you prepare to travel down Resolution Road, don’t forget about your beloved car. (Hey … it gets you where you need to go!) Keep these smart strategies in mind as you head into…

Congratulations to our December Salespeople of the Month

January 4th, 2016 by

Each month, we have a company-wide tradition of recognizing the two sales and leasing consultants who sell the greatest number of cars – one in our Honda sales department and one in our pre-owned sales department. For the month of December, our top salespeople are Andy Hitzemann (new car sales) and Chad Oberlin (pre-owned sales)….

Need a ride home tomorrow night? Take advantage of Fort Wayne’s free Holiday Cab service

December 30th, 2015 by

Hello, 2016! As you ring in the new year, we encourage everyone to be safe! Your best bet, of course, is to make sure you have a designated driver in your group. If you don’t, however, you do have another option. Fort Wayne’s Holiday Cab service offers free rides within a 10-mile radius of downtown. (If…

Posted in Driving Tips

Be prepared for car trouble BEFORE it strikes

December 27th, 2015 by

No one ever PLANS to have car trouble. Unfortunately, emergencies do happen … and they usually happen at the most inopportune times. (Why is that?) Plan ahead by creating a Roadside Emergency Kit. Just having the kit tucked inside your car is sure to give you added peace of mind. Jumper cables – A dead…

Wishing you a joyous Christmas!

December 23rd, 2015 by

The holiday season is upon us! We’d like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the Don Ayres Honda family. We are grateful to have such wonderful customers who make our jobs truly enjoyable! Our wish this season is that your hearts and homes will…

Posted in Dealership News

Headed off on a Christmas vacation? Plan ahead to ensure a stress-free trip!

December 21st, 2015 by

Planning a Christmas vacation with the whole family? Even with the anticipation of an exciting vacation ahead of you, long car rides can make ANYONE feel like Scrooge. Fortunately, you are in luck! We’ve put together a few handy tips to make sure your holiday road trip goes as smoothly as possible: Give your car…

Posted in Driving Tips

Congratulations to our employees celebrating December anniversaries

December 17th, 2015 by

It’s hard to believe we first opened our doors (as Don Ayres Pontiac, Inc.) 45 years ago. Time flies, and there’s no question that we’ve had loads of fun along the way! Today, we’d like to take a moment to thank the incredible employees who are celebrating anniversaries this month. They are a huge part…

Oooh and ahhhh your way through town!

December 16th, 2015 by

Caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas? Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. Still, it’s important to slooooooow down. We think you should load up the Honda, and take a spin around town. Along the way, enjoy some of Fort Wayne’s best light displays. Don’t forget to crank up the…

Posted in Dealership News

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4740 Lima Rd, Fort Wayne, IN, 46808
Don Ayres Honda 41.1217958, -85.1505583.